Friday, June 19, 2009

Last hero in china - review

This movie is about Chinese hero Wong .Jet Li played the role of Wong very well.Wong is master of a Kung fu school.He gets to know that some slave trading is going on in a Temple.So he goes to investigate it and attacks the monks trying to enslave girls.The girls are being enslaved with the help of a general.Since Wong is coming in his way general decides to kill Wong and poisons him.But Wong does not die but becomes temporarily deaf.Wong is treated to health by his friends and he takes his revenge on the general by defeating him.Wong also foils general's plan of killing an English official.Jet Li has done his action scenes in the movie wonderfully.There are mind blowing fights in the movie.There are also some humorous scenes in the movie like two prostitutes come to Jet Li to tempt him but Jet Li teaches them a lesson.The last fight between Jet Li and the general is nice.Jet Li is hurt in last fight because general wears an Armour of spikes.But Jet Li is not discouraged and starts drinking some wine present there to lessen the pain and teaches the general a lesson.

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